App Growth Network Turns 4 & Reveals AGN 4.0!

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Like any growing and thriving 3 year old, AGN is super excited to be turning 4! 


June 28, 2022 marks 4 years that AGN has been in business, helping clients improve mobile app performance and overcome growth challenges through customized app marketing services, one app at a time. 


And our progress has been impressive indeed! Our milestones speak for themselves:

To celebrate this momentous occasion, we’re doing something extra special to show our appreciation to AGN’s key stakeholders who have played a crucial role in our success so far: our employees, clients, and community partners.  


With that, we’re unveiling AGN 4.0! 


AGN 4.0 is the next evolution of what AGN is, what we do, and most importantly, why we do it. 


We’ve invested a lot of time, effort and passion as a team to develop AGN 4.0. It’s a labor of love that centered around 3 major initiatives that we’re so happy to share our public sneak peeks of what’s to come. 


And here they are…


#1: The AGN Culture Handbook



What is it?

This handbook is AGN’s manifesto which is intended for our most precious asset: our employees. It states our purpose, goals, what we stand for as a company — essentially, it explains why we exist.

In it is our thoughtfully crafted Mission Statement, Vision, Values, HR Policies, Employee Benefits, and everything that any new crew member climbing aboard the AGN vessel needs to thrive on their personal journey while ensuring that the entire vessel stays on course.


Why did we do it?

At AGN, our values are everything.

They’re the drivers of all our decisions, both at an individual and company level. If we’re ever at a crossroads, we always ask ourselves, “Where are our values pointing us?” We ask the same of our employees in their own decision-making. 

As a company, it was top priority to get our manifesto written in order to set every team member up for success from the get-go. We believe that when you lead with the why, even before the how, you’re on the surest path to success. 


#2: The Ultimate AGN Customer Guide

What is it?

Our Ultimate Customer Success Guide is the first harmonized collection of our current best practices that drive the desired experiences our clients expect when they sign on with us. Because, where would we be without our amazing clients?

It sheds light on what goes into delivering a great onboarding experience, how many layers are involved in making a project successful,l and how we act like a true partner to support their goals. 


Why did we do it?

We often talk about industry best practices in our case studies, client projects and when speaking in conferences, but we don’t always highlight the service culture that underpins them. Putting our clients’ needs at the center of what we do is critically important as we grow and celebrate our journey as a company each year because it shows that we have continuously improved the experience of our clients. 

Without those improvements, business would stagnate which runs counter to our company values, particularly around having a growth mindset! We wanted to share some of our secret sauce regarding our service mindset and figured that this would be the perfect occasion.


#3: AGN Academy

What is it?

AGN Academy is our initiative to help educate and give back to our valued community. It’s an interactive course that will teach the main concepts needed to start app marketers and developers on their app marketing journey! 


We have summarized the knowledge from our subject matter experts into short videos, allowing students to easily consume the content in their free time. On top of the instruction videos, the course includes questionnaires to test what is learned and mastered in the course. When passed successfully, all students will receive a certificate of completion.


Why did we do it?


We decided to introduce AGN Academy for a couple of key reasons. The first is to set up an internal knowledge base that our team members could refer to, if and when they need a refresher on a certain topic. 


The second, and arguably the more important one, is to help educate our community partners. We see a lot of app owners and marketers just starting out in the space and needing a lot of contextual information on what they’re getting themselves into. By creating this course, we hope to increase the overall understanding of the behind-the-scenes processes when it comes to creating, publishing and marketing your app.


We hope this course will be of great help to anyone interested in fine tuning their skills and hope to create more courses where we do a deep dive on a topic, tool or trend.


And there you have it! This is what we have in store as we enter our fourth year in business. We’re looking forward to continuing our commitment to service our clients, employ and develop the brightest minds in the industry, collaborate with partners, and share knowledge with our wonderful community.


To learn more about how we can help you in your app growth journey or join our community, please don’t hesitate to reach out

Jennifer Sansone

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