App Quardians eBooks

Download one of App Quardians E-books and learn better App Marketing tactics for your mobile app. From Launching your app, growing your app and deeper insights into the mobile app marketing industry.

Grow and optimize your app

How to Launch an App

This 60-page e-book takes you on a deep dive of what it takes to launch your app with actionable tips to set you up for launch success.

How to Grow your Mobile App

In this e-book you will learn methods to ensure app growth success. You’ll get detailed how-to’s on essential items on growing your mobile app.

Travel Apps Report

In this report, we uncover key marketing strategies and tactics behind the top-ranking travel apps in the airfare industry.

Matchmaking Apps:
Dating and Beyond

What does it take to make a matchmaking app successful? We’re not talking just dating apps for love matches, but any app that serves to make a connection.

How to Supercharge UA
and Get the Funds to Do It

We teamed up with Adjust, StriveCloud and Pushwoosh to bring you the most current, effective tips and tricks to help you in your health and fitness app growth journey.

How to Make a Health &
Fitness App Successful

We teamed up with Adjust, StriveCloud and Pushwoosh to bring you the most current, effective tips and tricks to help you in your health and fitness app growth journey.

The Ultimate App Marketing Guide For Business & Fintech Apps

This 37 page guide contains effective User Acquisition Tactics, User Engagement & Retention Strategies, and Monetization Strategies for Business & Finance Apps.

How to Make a Subscription
App Successful

Learn all about The current state of subscription apps, benefits/challenges, Premium vs Freemium, User Engagement practices, the future of subscription and more!

Building Great Web-to-App Experiences

AGN app marketing specialists & Airbridge have partnered to help you learn about the types of web-to-app strategies. Learn trends, insights, and best practices.

Let’s Work Together!