Travel Apps Industry Report

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In this report, we uncover some of the key marketing strategies and tactics behind, what we found to be, the most relevant traveling apps in the airfare industry. We took a deep dive into  Expedia, Hopper, and Skyscanner’s marketing tactics and mobile app adaptation strategies. We gathered the data we found to be the most crucial and compiled it in our 22-page document. For our readers’ convenience, we have separated the document into six sections including an executive summary and a conclusion. 

Some of the content you will find within each company’s section include but not limited to: 

  • Mobile trends, company expansions, and benchmarks
    • Travel apps will reach more than 137 million users per month
    • Average American spends $6000 on international travels annually
  • The latest ASO keyword strategies
  • In-app engagement marketing tactics to retain and convert more users 
    • Leveraging “FOMO” and sending discount codes
  • Apple Search Ads keyword bidding competitor Share of Voice by Apptweak 
    • Keyword strategies that drive over 12,000 monthly downloads
  • Creative campaigning and customer retention tactics
    • Influencer marketing
    • Creative company mascot
  • Company background and history

To read our white-paper and to access the data, sign-up, and download with the link provided below!

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