Tripling Organic Downloads with Advanced ASO Methods

Home/Case Studies/App Store Optimization (ASO)/Tripling Organic Downloads with Advanced ASO Methods

Our app client, Ninja Number, is a prime example of how leveraging ASO methods can significantly improve organic user acquisition. By reanalyzing and focusing on a few carefully selected keywords, Ninja Number’s keyword ranking saw an organic boost into the Top 3 position. Using AppTweak’s features, we identified what these opportune keywords were and carefully monitored their performance for continuous optimization.

About Ninja Number

Ninja Number is a Second Phone Number app that lets you choose how you want to communicate by separating business and personal calls with a designated 2nd phone number. It uses Artificial Intelligence and NinjaBot, the app’s virtual assistant, to interact with the user.

The Challenge

The client wanted to improve their organic acquisition with the least amount of media spend. This meant focusing on App Store Optimization methods to acquire as many users as possible. Our main focus was on their Ninja Number app in the Google Play Store.

The Solution

1. Competitive keyword research and assessing the potential of long-tail keywords

We considered five of Ninja Number’s main competitors during our research and organic traffic analysis. For keyword research, we used AppTweak to analyze over 500 short-tail and long-tail keywords and categorized them into sub-niches.

Based on our findings, we chose the areas with the highest potential (high volume and high chance) and prepared a comprehensive ASO audit which included suggestions to increase the number of impressions, apps page views, and, therefore, installs.

A graph representing the competitive keyword research of Ninja Numbers Competitors

Note: Due to confidentiality of PNP’s data, the numbers from the y-axis has been removed.

2. Analysis of targeted keywords that weren’t generating enough traffic

The main goal was to outrank the key competitors and increase market share in the niche that offers a second business phone line. We took the following actions to tackle this:

• increased the density by 3% of 15 keywords from 2 different sub-niches

• replaced the keywords that showed low relevancy and traffic with ones with more potential.

  Long-tails with higher traffic score and low competitors as well as very relevant.

• published the selling propositions and highlighted more important features on the visual assets of the apps

3. Continuous updating and monitoring changes in ranking

App Store Optimization is a long-term process that requires diligent tracking of keyword indexation and continuous optimization. We monitored the performance every day and prepared regular app store optimization updates accordingly. Updates were prepared every 3 – 4 weeks. We have updated the metadata 5 times already.

We focused first on underperforming keywords that Ninja Number was ranking already for or the ones with an uptrend ranking history. By focusing on keywords with higher traffic and relevance. we significantly improved Ninja Number’s organic rankings and downloads.

Ready to achieve next-level growth?

The Results

1. Organic downloads tripled

In the graph below, you can see the three-fold increase in organic user acquisition from the Google Play Console report. Within a 3-month time period, our analysis and re-allocation of keywords showed significant organic lift.

Ninja numbers increase in organic user acquisition

* red stars/lines to highlight updated app releases on releases Feb 21, Feb 26, Mar 1, Mar 16

2. Visibility Score increased by 68%

Thanks to our efforts we saw a continued increase in the app visibility score. Overall, the app’s visibility increased by 68%.

App visibility score Ninja Numbers

3. Top 3 rankings for top target keywords

These are the 3 main keywords with medium-to-high volume where we saw the biggest improvement in rankings (in the TOP 3):

-Business phone number
-Business number

The performance for “{Competitor}” has become stable since the time of the project. Ninja Number continues to rank in the top 3 even after project completion.

Top 3 rankings for target keywords Ninja Number

Below we can see that the ranking history for “business phone number” significantly improved with a volume of 24, which indicates medium-low volume, but within this niche was a high volume keyword.

Keyword Ranking History Ninja Number

The ranking for ”business number” also jumped from ranking in the top 50 to ranking in the top 3 over a short 3-month period.

ranking business number for Ninja Number

In summary

When tasked to use ASO methods to increase Ninja Number’s app store visibility and installs – without media spend – we stepped up to the challenge by focusing on competitor keywords and optimizing keyword selection. Through diligent performance monitoring on AppTweak over a 3-month period, we were able to keep improving Ninja Number’s organic rankings and downloads. These ASO efforts resulted in:

  • Triple increase in organic user acquisition

  • Top 3 rank for {Competitor} keyword

  • A significant increase to medium volume of one of the top-performing keywords, “business phone number”

  •  A huge jump for a major keyword “business number” from ranking in the top 50 to ranking in the top 3

If you’d like to benefit from the know-how of app marketing and mobile user acquisition experts, please contact us!

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